The Best Tips to Improve Your Aim in Valorant
Aiming is an integral skill that everyone must have in Valorant. Of course, gamesense is also important, but getting those crisp headshots and all those multi-kills is sometimes more satisfying than clever gameplay.
With my personal experience of playing FPS games and aim trainers throughout these years, I am here to give you guys the Valorant aiming tips on how you can improve your aim in Valorant.
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Crosshair Placement Is Everything
Most of the aiming in Valorant is done by your crosshair placement. This is the act of placing your crosshair always at head level. The TTK (time to kill) in Valorant is extremely low; with a rifle like a Vandal or a Guardian, you can 1-shot headshot an enemy to kill them instantly.
So, the obvious thing is to make sure your crosshair is always at head level and you prioritize headshots over anything else.
Focus on Precision over Speed
This is the one mistake I fixed in my gameplay, and my Valorant aim has been consistent ever since. In Valorant, precision is more important than speed.
In most scenarios, the size of your enemy target is too small that it’s better to aim first and shoot—instead of going for speed and flicking your crosshair. Flicking is the most inconsistent way of shooting in Valorant.
A quick tip: in Valorant, skins give you a feeling that you’re aiming better. Of course, it’s a placebo effect, but I’m sure a lot of you agree with me.
I recommend getting skins with the best tracers like the Reaver, Prime, or Elderflame. Discover U7BUY for Valorant points to purchase your favorite skins.
Have a Dedicated Valorant Aim Training Routine
Get a proper Valorant aim training routine, either from pro players or from a coach. You can find multiple routines on YouTube and Twitter. I recommended the “Voltaic Aim Training” routine; find your current skill level and start from there.
The Range is very helpful in Valorant, but please, for your own sake, do not waste your time on the “30 Hard Bots” challenge. It is just an assessment of your reaction speed and luck, but it does not build a consistently good aim.
Valorant Aim trainers like Aimlabs and Kovaaks are also great; you will find a lot of routines that you can simply follow.
Stop and Shoot
In Valorant, you cannot shoot while moving and expect to hit your shots. You have to come to a complete halt and then shoot to have the best precision with no errors. This is why you should learn to strafe and shoot.
Strafing is a movement mechanic where you move to either side, let go of the key, and then shoot. For example, you can press the “A” key to move to your left side; let go of the key to stop moving, and your Valorant aim becomes precise.
Look for Valorant “strafe shooting” or “counter-strafing” tutorials on YouTube to understand this better.
Practice All of These in Deathmatch
The best place to practice all of these Valorant aiming tips is the Deathmatch mode. It doesn’t matter if you win a game of DM or not; what matters is, did you practice and improve your skill?
So, the next time you start a game of deathmatch, constantly check your crosshair placement, focus on getting more headshots, avoid flicking, and stop before you shoot.
Finally, you must stick to these routines to get better. Make sure to be consistent to see quick results.